MAS Disaster Relief Fund Program

After Hurricane Katrina struck the Mississippi Gulf Coast in August 2005, MAS was inundated with offers of help from the National Association of Counties (NACo) and other states’ county associations.  MAS established the Mississippi Association of Supervisors Disaster Relief Fund in September 2005 as a separate nonprofit entity specifically authorized to offer disaster aid to county employees affected by natural or civil disasters, such as hurricanes, tornadoes, floods, earthquakes, ice storms, riots, fires, terrorist attacks or other large-scale disasters. 

Applicants for relief must be employed by a county affected by a declared natural or civil disaster and have sustained damage to their home and/or essential home-related personal property with out-of-pocket expenses of at least $1,000.  If an application is approved by the committee, relief funds are provided directly to the employee.  

CLICK HERE for Application Form

Please mail notarized form to 793 North President Street, Jackson, MS 39202 and email Mavis Seaberry at

For questions or assistance, please contact Mavis Seaberry at 601.353.2741 or via email at

Mavis Seaberry
Administrative Assistant
