Inmate Medical/Rx Cost Containment Program

MAS Inmate Medical/Rx Cost Containment Program

MAS has partnered with Association Program Administrators, a Mississippi domiciled Third Party Administrator (TPA) to provide inmate medical/RX savings as well as competent and efficient claims administration to MAS member counties. These claims auditors each have over 10 years of experience in claims administration.

Services provided through:

  • This program provides the following services:
    • Evaluation of medical service codes and appropriate Medicaid repricing for claims payment
    • Proper coordination of benefits by intercepting Medicare eligibility (age, disability, renal failure, etc.) applicable private insurance, etc.
    • Pre-certification of necessary services for non-emergency medical admissions
    • Efficient claims processing and turnaround time between billing and provider payment
    • Consolidated Billing to county detailing total billed charges disallowed charges, charges paid, and total savings for the county
      • TPA fee based solely on savings found

Effective immediately, the Program’s third-party administrator (formerly Gulf Guaranty) has changed to Association Program Administrators, LLC, (“APA”). Contact information for APA is shown below. Please direct any correspondence, bill submissions and payments to APA.  

Association Program Administrators, LLC  Attn: Rob Tinsley

Mailing Address:         Phone Number:     Fax Number:             Email Address: 

PO Box 321418            601-500-1631          601-821-2621    

Flowood, MS 39232                                                                                              

The County’s plan group number and group ID number will not change. The group number and ID should be referenced on all submissions to APA, whether by mail, fax, or email. If you have any questions regarding the bill, please contact APA either by phone or email as shown above.  

Linked is the W9 for APA. Please direct your accounts payable clerk to update your payment records to the new payee and new mailing address above.   

If you are not currently participating in the pharmacy cost-savings under the Program, I encourage you to contact MAS for more information. The Program works with your local pharmacies and has provided significant savings to those counties utilizing this benefit.