About MAS


County supervisors provide regional leadership over critical policy areas, including policies necessary to ensure safe communities, construction and maintenance of roads and bridges, protect public health, promote economic development and plan and manage land use for sustainable development.  Supervisors also provide important oversight of county operations, including managing strategies to promote sound fiscal management and to develop a high-quality county government workforce. 

Since 1908, the Mississippi Association of Supervisors (“MAS”) has served as a nonpartisan forum for county officials to address important issues facing local constituents, providing a mechanism to share information and to develop a proactive policy agenda.

From the very first meeting of the Association during the 1908 – 1911 term, MAS and county supervisors have worked together to promote the interests of county governments and their constituents.

MAS’ efforts are strengthened by the involvement of a professional staff who provide the technical expertise necessary to inform policy discussions and who are dedicated to helping MAS achieve its ultimate goal of providing efficient and effective governance to the citizens of the State of Mississippi.

Organization of the Association

The Mississippi Association of Supervisors, Inc. was established as a nonprofit corporation with the Mississippi Secretary of State in April 1974.  The original charter of incorporation established MAS as a nonprofit 501(c)(6) corporation.  MAS is specifically prevented from participating in or intervening in (including the publishing or distribution of statements), any political campaign on behalf of any candidate for public office. 

The original incorporators, guided by the membership, intended MAS to be a “businessman’s alliance for [the] better education of supervisors.”  That founding principle is still followed today, as MAS’ core function is to support and educate county officials and others on topics and issues important to county governments.  As county government’s needs and responsibilities have grown, so has MAS’ mission, compelling the development of a number of essential member services that have saved county taxpayers millions of dollars. 

In 2017, the MAS Board of Directors authorized formation of a special committee to develop a strategic vision plan for the Association. The Vision Committee developed and presented a report titled Gateway 2025 Vision Plan (the “Vision Plan”), which was adopted by the Board of Directors in 2018. The Vision Plan includes a written mission statement and identified four key areas – or the Four Pillars – for the Association to focus development. 

Mission Statement

Our Association supports, empowers and unifies all Mississippi counties through advocacy, member services, community and civic engagement, and leadership development.

Four Pillars

Pillar One: Legislative Advocacy. Since the Association’s inception in 1908, legislative advocacy has been a primary objective for the Association.  MAS’ governmental affairs team works tirelessly yearlong to foster relationships with state, legislative and Congressional officials to ensure Mississippi counties’ interests are protected.

Pillar Two: Member Services. MAS staff work continuously to identify services and programs that can benefit counties and county employees.  The Association partners with industry partners to develop and launch programs as varied as the MAS Insurance Trust to the innovative Inmate Medical and Rx Cost Containment Program.

Pillar Three: Community & Civic Engagement. The Association serves our members, and our members serve the citizens and taxpayers of Mississippi.  The Association will provide education and support to counties, county employees, and the citizens of Mississippi.

Pillar Four: Leadership Development. One of the primary reasons for the Association’s creation was to educate county officials and foster the exchange of ideas between individuals for the betterment of our counties.  Education and leadership development will continue to be a primary role of the Association.

Amended Bylaws of the Mississippi Association of Supervisors

Gateway 2025 Vision Plan