Update Regarding PERS Preliminary Plan Recommendations

Update Regarding PERS Preliminary Plan Recommendations

On Friday, May 19th, The Mississippi Association of Supervisors (MAS) staff met at the Public Employees Retirement System (PERS) building with PERS executive staff and other vested stakeholders’ leadership (Municipal & Education Community). The PERS Executive Director Mr. Ray Higgins explained the potential changes in benefits for new employee hires and the reasoning for PERS Board of Trustees support of increasing the employer contribution rate from 17 percent to 22.7 percent, with the key factor being the current $20 billion PERS unfunded liability.

PERS Board of Trustee and Lee County Chancery Clerk, Bill Benson and Mr. Ray Higgins will address the MAS membership to provide additional insight during the upcoming MAS Annual Convention on Wednesday, June 14th at 2 pm. 

We look forward to seeing you in Biloxi!

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PERS Preliminary Plan Recommendations