Notice from NACo Regarding Local Assistance and Tribal Consistency Fund (LATCF)

Notice from NACo on 9.29.2022:

For those of you with federal public lands counties, the NACo staff just finished a call with the Treasury Department and NACo colleagues regarding the Local Assistance and Tribal Consistency Fund (LATCF). 

Public lands counties will be alerted directly by Treasury that the application portal will launch at 3 PM Eastern today (9.29.22) (now open), so please make sure your counties check the website at that time to see what their allocations will be and to apply for their funds. Click HERE

Treasury informed us that the formula focuses predominantly on federal acreage within each unit of local government, as defined by PILT and the Refuge Revenue Sharing program under the US Fish and Wildlife Service. Population and various economic conditions (poverty levels, unemployment, etc.) also factor into the formula. The payments will for the most part look like “scaled PILT allocations”, according to Treasury. 

Although we have not seen the final numbers and will not until the website launches this afternoon, it appears our efforts helped Treasury better understand the congressional intent of what constitutes an eligible revenue share county under the statute. This took considerable effort from our members, the state associations of counties, Capitol Hill allies, and NACo staff over the past year and a half since ARPA passed. Special thank you to Mark Ritacco and Jonathan Shuffield on the NACo team for coordinating and driving these efforts.

Treasury will email all eligible recipient counties later today with more information on the LATCF application process. They will also host a webinar for counties on October 4, so please keep an eye out for that invitation as well.

For more information:

Jonathan Shuffield

Legislative Director for Public Lands

Liaison to the Western Interstate Region

National Association of Counties

512.965.7268 (cell)


Thank you again for your partnership.

Matt Chase, CEO/Executive Director

National Association of Counties