MDOT Announces ERBRF Projects 2023

Over $539 Million Dollars Awarded Through ERBRF Since Inception of Program

As we near the end of this four-year term, it is important to recognize and thank our State Legislators and Statewide Leaders for partnering with County Boards of Supervisors to improve county government and our State.

Year-to-date counties have received over $127 million dollars in use tax revenue for roads and bridges. This is record funding in the form of a diversion to Mississippi county government from the State of Mississippi.

In addition to the full implementation of a bi-yearly use tax diversion sent directly to counties, our Statewide leaders have issued four rounds of the Emergency Road and Bridge Repair Fund Program (ERBRF) to the effect of $539 million. Again, another record-breaking funding provided directly to counties from the State of Mississippi!

MS DOT announced the infrastructure projects for the fourth round of ERBRF program totaling a little over $100 million.

These are just a few noteworthy examples that leadership with the right focus and commitment can achieve great success. We look forward to the partnership and future achievements between State and County Government. MAS sends our deepest appreciation to our State Legislators and Statewide leaders for their leadership these past four years.

In closing, we also send our deepest appreciation for the work each Mississippi County Supervisors has done to help with these record setting achievements. Your involvement is the lifeline of any MAS achievement. 

Click here to view ERBRF projects that were awarded

July 2023 Use Tax Numbers

Click here to view use tax numbers and amount issued to your county for July 2023.

Click here to download this notice