Keep Mississippi Beautiful 2023 Awards Applications Now Open


Nominations for the Keep Mississippi Beautiful Awards Program are due March 3, 2023. The Awards Program recognizes the best of the best among our network of community-based affiliates, leading corporate partners and individual volunteers across the country who have committed to delivering cleaner, greener and more beautiful communities. Use the below nomination forms (hyperlinked, so click on award to download form)

Recipients will be recognized on April 27, 2023 at the Keep Mississippi Award Beautiful Awards Ceremony.


Keep Mississippi Beautiful offers grants to nonprofits and local governments (i.e. cities, counties) to expand or develop litter prevention and cleanup programs as well as beautification programs. Grant proposals are accepted on an ongoing basis. Download the Grant Application Guidelines

If selected for a grant, please review/ complete the Grant Recipients Guidelines and Wrap-up Report (Word version also available). Additionally, download the KMB logo for promotional materials. 

Keep Alabama/Mississippi Meeting



Keep America Beautiful’s Great American Cleanup® occurs every spring, and this year it’ll be held from March 20 to June 20. The Great American Cleanup beautifies and unifies communities across the country in a grassroots spring-cleaning movement. Celebrating its 25th year in 2023, the GAC offers structured service projects to measure changes in littering behavior and heighten awareness about the benefits of caring for the environment through organized volunteer events, employee engagement opportunities, and experiential education in communities across America. Download the 2022 promotion toolkit.


To request supplies for the Great American Cleanups, Keep Mississippi Beautiful/ Keep America Beautiful Affiliates register and report cleanup events through their Keep America Beautiful account.

Non-affiliates can participate in the Great American Cleanup. To request supplies non-affiliates should fill out and submit a REQUEST FORM. Following the cleanup, they must complete and submit a WRAP-UP REPORT within two weeks after the event. See our Community Resources webpage for more information. You can also find a social media toolkit and other resources on our Promotional Toolkit webpage