Mississippi Supervisor Magazine is Going Digital

Mississippi Supervisor Magazine

Beginning 2023, the Mississippi Association of Supervisors (MAS), is going digital with the Mississippi Supervisor Magazine. Members of the Association receive complimentary hardcopies of the “Mississippi Supervisor” Magazine. Members who wish to continue to receive hardcopies of the Magazine will need to fill out the form below and send back to MAS. If not, MAS will transition your complimentary subscription to a digital version of the Magazine.

If you wish to receive a digital copy of the magazine versus a hard copy, please let us know by filing out and returning the form below.

Please Click Here for Magazine Form

You may email this form to Savanna McCafferty at Smccafferty@massup.org, or fax it to MAS office at 601.353.2749, or return via mail at 793 North President Street, Jackson, MS 39202. You may also call us at the office 601.353.2741 to let us know how you would like to receive your complimentary magazine.