2022 ERBRF Application Notice - Letter from MDOT

Recognizing the significance transportation infrastructure has on the State’s economy and its importance to the citizens for mobility, the Mississippi Legislature established the Emergency Road and Bridge Repair Fund (ERBRF) during the 2018 Extraordinary Session. Based on the success of the program, Senate Bill 2780 of the 2022 Legislative Session appropriated $100 million for the Emergency Road & Bridge Repair Program. In accordance with rules and regulations established by the Department under the 2018 legislation, MDOT will administer the ERBRF for emergency repairs to public roads and bridges.


MDOT will accept applications for the ERBRF program April 25, 2022 through 5 p.m. May 8, 2022.  Please visit MDOT’s website, https://mdot.ms.gov/portal/erbrf_2022, to review program information.  All funding requests must be submitted using the online application form at this link. The application will be available April 25, 2022.  Any agency requiring assistance in completing the applications may schedule an appointment at one of MDOT’s District Offices by emailing planning@mdot.ms.gov a minimum of five-days prior to the application deadline.  Additionally, any questions regarding the program or the application must be submitted in writing by email to the same address.