MS DOR- ABC Enforcement Cannabis Dispensary Proposed Regulations

Mississippi Medical Cannabis Act (SB 2095)

Proposed regulations for medical cannabis dispensaries are now available for public comment through April 29, 2022.

The Mississippi Department of Revenue (MDOR) has 150 days from Governor Reeves' signing the bill to begin the process of licensing Cannabis Dispensaries.

The bill was signed on February 2, 2022. MDOR is currently working with the Mississippi Department of Health (MDOH) to design and implement the application process. The ABC Permit Department will begin accepting license applications no later than July 1, 2022, and thereafter issue qualifying applicants dispensary licenses within 30 days of receiving the COMPLETED application, including all required information and documents.

Counties and/or municipalities have 90 days to begin the vote to opt out.

Secretary of State Registration:

If a company plans to apply for licensure through the Mississippi Department of Revenue for the medical cannabis dispensaries through the Mississippi Medical Cannabis Program, the potential applicant should register with the Mississippi Secretary of State’s Office.

Please send any comments to

Medical Practitioners and Patient Cannabis Certification: Questions and answers link:
