Update on The Emergency Road and Bridge Repair Fund (ERBRF) Round 1 and 2

Update on The Emergency Road and Bridge Repair Fund (ERBRF) Round 1 and 2: The Project Selection Process and the Role of the Emergency Road and Bridge Repair Fund Advisory Board

ERBRF Round 1

The ERBRF Round 1 program has been a successful program and is improving our state’s infrastructure, aiding industry, and improving the quality of life for Mississippians. Listed below is an update on the ERBRF Round 1 program funding and projects awarded by the Mississippi Department of Transportation Commissioners as of mid-October.

  • From a total $209 Million distributed:
    • $197 Million spent on construction
    • $12 Million distributed for preconstruction
  • 90 projects completed affecting 205 bridges
  • 42 contractors participating
  • Average of 3.7 bidders per project, with average project cost of $1.6 Million
  • 84% of the money has been distributed
  • 82% of the program time has elapsed
  • IRS regulations required 85% of the money to be spent within 3 years.

ERBRF Round 2

During the 2021 State Legislative Session, funding for the ERBRF Round 2 passed both chambers and was signed into law by Governor Reeves. The ERBRF Round 2 projects were awarded by the Mississippi Department of Transportation Commissioners in early November 2021. The funding of transportation projects through ERBRF Round 2 will continue our success of improving our roads and bridges across the state. Listed below is an update on this program.

  • 364 applications were submitted by Aug. 6, requesting $945 Million
  • Funding requested to repair or replace 434 bridges and overlay streets
  • 116 agencies applied
    • 76 counties
    • 38 cities
    • 2 state agencies (MDOT, MDWFP)
  • With the addition of the $23 Million returned from ERBRF Round 1, there will be $112 Million available for Round 2 projects.
  • 16 projects were awarded
    • o $77 million for local projects involving 17 bridges
    • o $35 million for MDOT involving 6 bridges
  • Factors considered same as in Round 1: percentage of truck traffic, detour length, project readiness, impact on economy, emergency vehicles, how long the bridge had been closed or posted and geographic diversity, etc.

How Are the Projects Selected?

The passage of House Bill 1 from the 2018 Special Legislative Session, created the Mississippi Infrastructure Modernization Act (MIMA) of 2018. Within this measure, the Emergency Road and Bridge Repair Program Fund was created. As stated in the statue MIMA requires that the Mississippi Department of Transportation (MDOT) “Shall have all powers necessary to implement and administer the program established in this section, and the department shall promulgate rules and regulations, in accordance with the Mississippi Administrative Procedures Law, necessary for the implementation of this section.”

In promulgating the agency rules, MDOT has registered rules in the record on their website, Chapter 02070 – Emergency Road and Bridge Repair Fund Program. Subsection 300 of this rule states the following: “MDOT will review and recommend awards, by way of a competitive application process, for emergency repairs of public roads and bridges in accordance with the Act.” Subsection 500 of this rule states the following: “All projects meeting the application guideline will be evaluated and selections will be submitted to the Mississippi Transportation Commission. The Mississippi Transportation Commission, by unanimous vote, will approve the selected projects as recorded in its minutes.

What is the Role of the Emergency Road and Bridge Repair Fund Advisory Board?

MIMA also created the Emergency Road and Bridge Repair Program Fund Advisory Board. The statue states that the board shall meet at least quarterly to conduct business and that the advisory board “Shall provide nonbinding advise to the Department of Transportation (MDOT) regarding the expenditure of money in the Emergency Road and Bridge Repair Fund.”

Please click HERE to download this memo