Disaster Relief for County Employees

Severe weather struck several areas of Mississippi on Jan. 21, resulting in severe damages in multiple counties.  That same day, Gov. Bryant issued a State of Emergency and authorized the use of the National Guard.  On Jan. 25, President Trump declared Forrest, Lamar, Lauderdale and Perry Counties federal disaster areas.  The declaration includes individual assistance and the Hazard Mitigation Grant Program.  

County employees sustaining at least $1,000 in out-of-pocket expenses resulting from damage to their homes, primary vehicle or other personal property are eligible to apply for a grant under the MAS Disaster Relief Fund.  

Notice sent to affected counties may be viewed here

Application for assistance may be viewed here.

For more information, visit the MEMA website: http://www.msema.org/homepage/january-21-2017-severe-storm-information/.