Message from NACo First Vice President Bryan Desloge - Join a NACo Committee!


Looking ahead to my year as NACo president, I want to take this opportunity to let you know about the appointments that I will have the privilege of making to NACo's leadership team.

These appointments are for:

  • Policy steering committee chairs and vice chairs and subcommittee chairs and vice chairs
  • Large Urban County Caucus (LUCC) and Rural Action Caucus (RAC) chairs, vice chairs and members
  • Standing committee chairs, vice chairs and members
  • Ad hoc committee, task force and advisory board chairs, vice chairs and members
  • At-large NACo Board Directors

Click here for more information about NACo Committees.  


To be considered for a presidential appointment to any of the following committees or as an at-large director for the NACo Board of Directors, you MUST complete the application online before June 3, 2016.

IMPORTANT:  Steering committee membership is not a part of this application process.

State associations of counties are responsible for nominating general policy steering committee members. The online nomination form for policy steering committee membership can be found here.

I look forward to receiving your application, and to working with you in the 2016-2017 year.

Bryan Desloge
NACo First Vice President
