MAS Insurance Trust (MASIT)

County governments are responsible for millions of dollars’ worth of public property.  Routine county government activities such as road maintenance, law enforcement, and jail operations expose counties to frequent and sometimes large liability claims.  Recognizing these risks, and after years of increasing costs to taxpayers and limited options, the Mississippi Association of Supervisors (MAS) formed the MAS Insurance Trust (MASIT) to provide Mississippi counties cost effective and broad insurance coverages. MASIT has been authorized to offer coverage by the Mississippi Tort Claims Board as a member-owned non profit entity.  Each prospective county is individually underwritten and pays a premium based on its own exposures and loss history.   In addition to premium savings, surplus member equity funds will remain invested right here in Mississippi thanks to MASIT's county ownership. Since its inception, MASIT has saved counties, therefore taxpayers, in excess of $20 million in premiums.  With ongoing actuarial analysis and proven underwriting guidelines, MASIT provides a financially sound insurance option for Mississippi counties today and into the future.

In addition to its insurance program, MASIT offers comprehensive in-state claims handling, risk management programs, property appraisal services, and expert legal defense teams. Insurance claims involving Mississippi counties are unique and varied, requiring a select set of skills and expert handling so MASIT has selected a local third party claims administrator. The third party claims administrator's office is located in Jackson and has also handled the Mississippi Tort Claims Board business for several years.  With proven experience, our third party claims administrator knows how to best protect the County. MASIT has selected experienced defense counsel across the state to litigate claims and to work the the third party claims administrator to yield positive outcomes for the County.

Our mission is to be the insurance provider of choice for our county government family.


  • MASIT places coverage through local agents
  • MASIT pays agent commissions
  • MASIT supports county member association activities on behalf of counties
  • MASIT offers opportunity for member input into all aspects of program
  • MASIT is 100% owned by county members

Why Choose MASIT?

We are Local 
From utilizing your county’s current agent of record, to claims administration and legal defense counsel, MASIT invests dollars right here in Mississippi. 
Broad Coverage 
MASIT offers a comprehensive policy that includes Property, Crime, Public Officials Liability, General Liability, Law Enforcement Liability, Cyber and Auto coverages.  Leased, Borrowed and Rented Equipment has automatic coverage up to $250,000 per occurrence.  Replacement Cost, Reproduction Cost and Stated Limit valuations are available upon request.   
Member Services 
MASIT offers access to risk management webinars and conferences, sample law enforcement and employee handbook policies, professional property appraisal services, cyber resources and the HR hotline all at no additional cost to the member. 

Click the appropriate link below to access a listing of MASIT contacts, download useful forms and obtain information about risk management opportunities for counties: