NACo Update

National policy  issues that were discussed at the recent NACo Conference and are of importance to Mississippi counties: 

U.S. Department of Transportation (Highway Trust Fund/MAP 21): NACo’s Transportation Steering Committee discussed the need for long term transportation funding along with policies that mandated county officials to be a part of the statewide planning process for State DOTs. It is urgent that Congress pass a funding measure before the first of August, or the Highway Trust Fund will hit a fiscal cliff. On Tuesday July 15, the US House approved a short-term fix to the nearly depleted Federal Highway Trust Fund by a vote of 367 to 55. This $11 billion funding plan is expected to last until May 2015.

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Internet Tax Freedom Act (ITFA): The original intent of the ITFA, enacted in 1998, was to encourage the early growth of the internet by preventing state and local government from taxing internet access or levying other internet-only taxes. Other than 10 states that taxed internet access before ITFA, there has been a moratorium on taxing internet access. This moratorium is scheduled to sunset November 1, 2014. Telecom companies are pushing for a permanent extension of this moratorium. NACo is urging Congress to support a short-term extension of ITFA, in lieu of a permanent extension. Without this moratorium, there could be a new stream of revenue for local government.

Waters of the U.S.: The effort to expand the range of waters that would fall under federal jurisdiction for Waters of the U.S. is still ongoing. Counties still have unto October 20, 2014 to submit their comments opposing this effort by U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the US, Corp of Engineers. Comments can be digitally submitted at At the Southern Regional breakout meeting at NACo, we informed that the U.S. House leadership is strongly against this proposed rule change.