MS Legislators Set Public Redistricting Hearings

The joint House and Senate committee tasked with developing a plan to redraw the four U.S. House seats and the 174 state legislative seats have scheduled nine public hearings across the state to garner public input. The hearings will also be live-streamed on the Mississippi Legislature’s YouTube channel available at the Legislature’s website

Please see the following meeting dates:

  • Aug. 5: Meridian, at Meridian Community College in the McCain Theater.
  • Aug. 6: Tupelo, Itawamba Community College Belden Center.
  • Aug. 9: Senatobia, Northwest Community College Haraway Center.
  • Aug. 11: Itta Bena, Mississippi Valley State University William A. Butts Social Science Building.
  • Aug. 12: Starkville, Mississippi State University Hunter Henry Center.
  • Aug. 16: Natchez, Alcorn State University Business School Auditorium.
  • Aug. 18: Gulfport, Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College Harrison County campus Fine Arts Auditorium.
  •  Aug. 19: Hattiesburg, University of Southern Mississippi Joe Paul Theater in the Thad Cochran Center.
  • Aug. 23: Jackson, Mississippi Capitol, room 216.

NOTE: The statewide meetings are all slated to begin at 6 p.m.


(The next elections for the legislative seats will not occur until 2023)

September 6