Mississippi Association of Supervisors Community College Scholarship Recipients Announced

For a list of all 2014 MAS Scholarship recipients click here.

The Mississippi Association of Supervisors (MAS) has a history of supporting higher education through the awarding of scholarships to Mississippi community and junior college scholarships. The program has been alive for over 10 years and was recently revamped with an increased donation that will allow even more students to reap the benefits and further their educations.

Each year, three incoming community or junior college students from each county in Mississippi will be awarded a $300 scholarship from MAS. With 82 counties in the state, that means that 246 college students will be receiving financial assistance because of this program.

The Mississippi Association of Supervisors strongly believes that education is the foundation that will help our state grow and prosper.


Scholarship recipients are selected by each community college so interested students should contact the Financial Aid office at their college.  Upon selection of recipients, the Mississippi Community College Foundation (MCCF) forwards the scholarship funds (supplied by MAS) to the community colleges to be credited to the recipient’s college accounts and applied to their school charges.