MAS Webinar: How to Properly Account and Report Fringe Benefits

Please join us on Thursday, February 18, 2021 at 10:00 am for a webinar on how to properly account and report fringe benefits to the IRS on county-owned vehicles. This webinar will be presented by MAS' CPA, Tony Huffman. 

Click the following link to view webinar via zoom on Thursday, February 18 at 10:00 am:

Zoom link:

Or listen in by dialing: 877 853 5247 (US Toll-free). It will ask for a Meeting ID Number which is: 385 229 9667

Tony Huffman, CPA has been the MAS CPA for over 20 years. He provides the Association with tax and accounting advice.  Tony is available to meet with County officials to discuss the issue. He may be reached via email at