MAS County Employee Scholarship - Now Accepting Applications

MAS 2023 County Employee Scholarship Program

We are now accepting applications for the 2023 Fall semester. MAS will award up to two (2) $500 scholarships per eligible county. County must participate in either the MAS Insurance Trust Program or be a member of MAS organization. 
To download the application click here

Deadline to submit to MAS is February 1, 2023.

You may email your application and supporting documents to Stephanie Spangler at; mail to the MAS office at 793 N. President Street, Jackson, MS 39202 or fax to the MAS office at 601.353.2749


Who Can Apply?

Applicants must have an immediate family member (parent, stepparent, grandparent, step-grandparent, legal guardian or spouse) currently working for or retired from a Mississippi county to be eligible to apply. (Relatives of elected county officials are not eligible.) 

“County employee” means any person working directly for the county government (not a school district, county hospital or other separate entity). 


  •  High school seniors
  • Current college students
  • County employees taking college courses
  • County employees’ spouses taking college courses

Non Eligible:

  • Dependents of elected county officials (current or retired)
  •  Dependents of teachers, school boards, county-owned hospitals or other non-county government divisions
  •  Previous recipients of an MAS scholarship

How to Submit:

You may email your application and supporting documents to Stephanie Spangler at, mail to the MAS Office - 793 North President Street, Jackson, MS, 39202 or fax to MAS office at 601.353.2749. 

When to Apply:

Applications must be submitted to the MAS office no later than February 1, 2023 at close of business day to be considered. Contact Stephanie Spangler at 601.353.2741 or via email at for questions or more information.  We look forward to working with you to promote this scholarship and to assist county employees’ families.