MAS and Sharkey County Update from Natural Disaster on March 24, 2023

MAS Update from Natural Disaster on March 24, 2023

Update: The Mississippi Association of Supervisors (MAS) has been working and communicating with counties impacted by the March 24, 2023 tornado. The White House, numerous states, NACo, FEMA, MEMA, vendors/affiliate partners many Supervisors and MAS county members have reached out to MAS to offer their assistance. MAS stands by to provide any assistance within our grasp to our member counties.

Please note, any county impacted by these storms who need any additional assistance, please contact our office. We are on standby to assist and coordinate any help possible.

The MAS Disaster Relief Fund Program is also available for county employees impacted by this storm. Additional information and application is available on the MAS website.

Please click here for link to MAS website:


Update from Sharkey County- In Need of a Garbage Truck and/or a Pick-up Truck

Sharkey county supervisors and past MAS President, Bill Newsom asked that we share with the membership they appreciate all the texts and calls and are working to respond to everyone as quickly as possible. Sharkey county currently has several utility workers working in the county and there are 2 debris hauling companies that will begin working Friday.

They would like to also let the membership know that the county had two garbage trucks that picks up for all of Sharkey and Issaquena county but one of the garbage trucks had to be towed to Laurel to be repaired and they do not know how long it will take to be fixed. They are in need of garbage truck the county could borrow.

Also, currently, Supervisor Newsom is having a difficult time getting around town. He is utilizing his personal pick up truck that sustained minor damage, and is asking if anyone has an old pickup they could spare.


Contact Number for Sharkey County: (662) 873-2755

Contact Number for Supervisor Bill Newsom:662- 907-1498


Please Click Here For Link to MAS Website for Disaster Relief Fund Program