MAS 2023 Annual Convention - Changes to Meeting

Attention! Change is in the Air!

MAS Annual Cookout

Change is in the Air! You will notice a couple of changes to this year's Annual Convention agenda. We have moved the annual MAS Annual Cookout Wednesday night, June 14 and moved locations to the Hardrock Hotel Pool (normally was held on Thursday night, final night of the Convention). 


Honors Ceremony/Graduation Ceremony

This year on Thursday, June 15we will be holding for the first time ever in the Association's History, a graduation ceremony for the MAS Supervisors education program - Institute for Excellence in County Government. 


Supervisors Retirement Ceremony

We will also be recognizing Supervisors retiring after this term. If you are retiring, please notify the MS Association of Supervisors. You may email Savanna McCafferty at or call us at 601.353.2741.


Kids Zone on the Exhibit Hall Floor! 

We will be adding a Kids zone with games, bouncy house, activities, etc on the exhibit hall floor. We are expanding into Exhibit Hall 1 for the Kids Zone. Exhibit Hall 2 -4 will host our exhibitors and meals. 


Room Block Tip!

No more long holds on the phone when booking your room! Most of MAS' hotel room blocks have an online booking link you can use to make your reservation online versus over the phone. You may follow up with the hotel at a later time to adjust payment method.

The Beau Rivage Hotel will begin accepting call in reservations starting at 9:00 a.m. tomorrow, Friday, March 24, 2023.

This information will be released tomorrow, Friday, March 24, which will also be available on the MAS website.


Tentative Agenda 

For a tentative agenda click here!

Please note, our tentative agenda and activities are subject to change.


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