Institute for Excellence in County Government

Launched in January 2020, the MAS institute for Excellence in County Government (“Institute”) is a voluntary certification training program offered to county supervisors. The Institute’s purpose is to provide access to information necessary for county supervisors to be effective leaders for their counties, the Association and the state.

Instruction credits (CEUs) may be earned by attending educational sessions at MAS conferences, webinars, and other events from time-to-time. To receive credit for courses attended, Participant must complete course cards provided at conferences with all requested information (name, county, title, session code words). Course cards should be signed and returned to Association staff for processing.

Graduates from the Institute will earn the Certified County Supervisor designation. A graduation ceremony will be held every other year during the Annual Convention. 

Basic Certification - Phase l
Supervisors may complete the Basic Certification program within one four-year term. To complete the Basic Certification, participants must earn a minimum of 40 CEUs, including 10 core courses and 30 elective courses.
Core courses include:
• County Budgeting Process
• Debt Administration
• Ethics in Government
• Forms and Functions of County Government
• General County Law
• Human Resources Management
• Legislative Process
• Purchase Law
• Taxation 101 and the Tax Levy
• Roads and Bridges

Core courses will be counted one time for CEU credit per certification level. Repeated courses may be counted as electives.

Professional Certification - Phase ll
Supervisors who have completed the Basic Certification are eligible for the Professional Certification. Participants in the Professional Certification Program must complete a total of 50 credits: five core courses, 10 advanced courses (two CEUs in each of five categories), and 35 elective courses.
Core Courses (Minimum one CEU in each category):
• Conflict Resolution (Inside and Outside the Board Room)
• Advanced Ethics in Government
• Management 101: HR Beyond the Basics
• Advanced Purchase Law
• Trends in Legal Issues
Advanced Courses (Minimum two CEUs in each category):
• Community and Economic Development
• Cyber Security and Crisis Management
• Emergency Management & Disaster Recovery
• Leadership & Professional Development
• Risk Management and Liability Issues

To obtain your Certification Program Transcript:
Contact Stephanie Spangler at