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- You do not have to have an account to view items that are for sale. However you must sign up for an account to list an item.
- Once you have your account information, you will be able to submit items for sale (or wanted items) from one county to another.
- Simply fill out the form which includes contact information for the person handling the sale, the category under which you want the item listed, a description of the item, and if you choose, download up to 3 photos of the item.
- You will then submit your listing. Once the site administrator approves the listing, it will go online and be available for all counties to view.
(The Mississippi Association of Supervisors (MAS) expressly assumes no responsibility for the workmanship or merchantability of any equipment or other item sold or purchased as a result of the use of this web site. Prior to making any sale or purchase of any item appearing on this web site, MAS urges all counties to consult with their Board attorneys about the applicability of and compliance with Miss. Code Ann. Section 19-7-5, Section 31-7-13(m)(v) and (vi), and other applicable law relating to disposal of surplus property, intergovernmental sales and transfers, and equipment auctions.)