Garbage Fee Collection Survey

Garbage Fee Collection Survey

At the request of the Mississippi Senators (Judiciary A Sub-Committee Chairman Senator Tyler McCaughan and Senator Nicole Boyd)

Attention MAS Membership:

Members of the Mississippi State Senate and House of Representatives held a meeting on December 14, 2022 to discuss garbage fee collection problems and problems related to the notice of county garbage liens. Following the meeting, The Mississippi Association of Supervisors (MAS) was asked to survey its membership to obtain the total amount of garbage fee delinquency in each county. In addition, MAS was also asked to survey its membership as to which methodology is utilized to collect garbage debt in each county.

Please view and respond to the questions on the form linked below to the best of your knowledge.

Click here for garbage fee survey form

You may email the form back to Steve Gray at, or fax to MAS office at 601.353.2749