The Eastern Federal Lands Highway Division (EFLHD) will be conducting another Call for Projects for the Federal Lands Access Program (FLAP) for 2027 - 2029

Please see the notice from Eastern Federal Lands Highway Division (EFLHD) who will be conducting another Call for Projects for the Federal Lands Access Program (FLAP) in Mississippi for Federal Fiscal Years (FY) 2027 through FY 2029. All final project approvals will be contingent upon the availability of funds in the year for which they are being requested.

The Call for Projects application period opens February 3, 2025 and runs through May 2, 2025. An estimated total of $7.6M will be available.

Project award values will be 100% federal. Applicants may provide additional funds beyond the requested amount of FLAP funds to contribute to the project. Because of the limited amount of FLAP funding available in each state in any given federal fiscal year, proposals will receive additional consideration when funding is leveraged from other sources.

EFLHD has found that a higher level of outreach at local levels has increased both the number and the quality of competitive applications submitted and ultimately recommended for project programming and implementation.  We ask that you provide the widest circulation possible of this announcement to provide a robust pool of applications.  Please feel free to use any of the materials included in with this message to assist in your outreach efforts. The Federal Lands Access Program website is: Federal Lands Access Program (FLAP) | FHWA (

Federal Land Management Agencies: We appreciate your efforts in the provision of an expanded outreach to your units and gateway communities regarding this program opportunity.

FHWA Federal Aid Division Office: We appreciate your efforts in the provision of an expanded outreach regarding this program opportunity to the MPOs and RPOs in your state via email or on your website.

State DOTs: We appreciate your efforts in the provision of an expanded outreach regarding this program opportunity to your District staff and Local Agency Program Coordinators (if applicable), Public Information Officers, via email and/or on your websites.

Local Agency Representatives: We appreciate your efforts in the provision of an expanded outreach regarding this program opportunity to other County, MPO and Local agencies in your state via email and/or on your local websites.

CLICK HERE to Download the Letter

CLICK HERE to Download the Application
*Note: When you click to open the application, you will see a message that says "Please wait... If this message is not eventually replaced with the proper content..."
In order to fix this, you must download and save the application to view it. Preview mode will not be available.

CLICK HERE for Tips on Applying for FLAP

CLICK HERE for More Information on FLAP

You are welcome to contact any of the FLAP Programming Decisions Committee (PDC) members for your state with your questions using the contact information contained in the website. Additionally, questions about project eligibility or the EFLHD application process can be directed to Lewis Grimm or Richelle Ellis, FHWA/EFLHD (contact information shown below).

You can find an FAQ document and FLAP Tip Sheet with suggested factors to be considered for submitting a good application on the US DOT website also linked here:

Lewis G. Grimm, P.E. Planning Team Leader EFLHD/FHWA
Tel: (703) 404-6289
Fax: (703) 404-6217
Cell: (703) 629-1450

Richelle J. Ellis, Access Program Planning Coordinator EFLHD/FHWA
Tel: (703) 404-6333
Fax: (703) 404-6217