Eastern Federal Lands Access Program Call for Projects Alert- Mississippi

The Eastern Federal Lands Highway Division (EFLHD) of the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) will be accepting Federal Lands Access Program (FLAP) applications in order to develop a multi-year program of projects for Federal Fiscal Years (FY) 2017 through FY 2020.  All final project approvals will be contingent upon the availability of funds in the year for which they are being requested.

The Call for Projects application period opens August 15, 2016 and runs through November 15, 2016.  Please explore our FLAP website located at http://flh.fhwa.dot.gov/programs/flap/ and follow the links to the state webpage to download the application, review the state’s program goals, associated scoring criteria, FAQ’s and tips for preparing a good application.   Applications should be submitted via email to EFL.planning@dot.gov by the end of the day (11:59 PM) on November 15, 2016 to be considered.  If required, applications via mail, Fedex, UPS etc. or fax will also be accepted.

An estimated total of $4.5M will be available for programming in your State.

EFLHD has found that a higher level of outreach at local levels has increased both the number and the quality of competitive applications submitted and ultimately recommended for project programming and implementation.   We ask that you provide the widest circulation possible of this announcement to provide a robust pool of applications.  Please review the materials included in this message and feel free to use any or all of the materials to assist you in your outreach efforts.

Federal Land Management Agencies: We appreciate your efforts in the provision of an expanded outreach to your units regarding this program opportunity. 

State DOTs: We appreciate your efforts in the provision of an expanded outreach regarding this program opportunity to your District staff and Local Agency Program Coordinators (if applicable), via email and/or on your websites.

Local Agency Representatives: We appreciate your efforts in the provision of an expanded outreach regarding this program opportunity to other County, MPO and Local agencies in your state via email and/or on your local websites.

FHWA Fed Aid Representatives: This email is for your information and awareness of the upcoming FLAP Call for Projects in your state. *Safety Engineers may be contacted for HSIP eligibility approvals.

Please find attached the following materials to aid you in your outreach efforts:

Call for Projects (CFP) Alert FY 17-20

EFL Access Program Application

Safety Approval Form

Tips for a good Application


Please free to contact myself or Lewis Grimm (contact information below) with any questions you may have about the program, project eligibility or the EFLHD FLAP Application Process.  Thank you for your assistance with the FLAP Program.


Richelle J. Ellis
Access Program Planning Coordinator
Federal Highway Administration
Eastern Federal Lands Highway Division
21400 Ridgetop Circle
Sterling, VA 20166
Phone: (703) 404-6333
Fax: (703) 404-6217



Lewis G. Grimm, P.E.
Planning Team Leader, EFLHD, FHWA
Tel: 703-404-6289 
Fax: 703-404-6217 
Cell: 703-629-1450