Project Approval Process


Application Information   

Application Requirements:

Description of Proposed Project: Provide an overview of the proposed project that gives adequate details concerning the scope of work and the project termini.  A KML file (preferred) or coordinates showing the project location should clearly indicate the project limits and be provided in, or as an attachment to, the application.  Include photographs of the existing conditions that help demonstrate the existing emergency project for which funding is being requested.

Benefits of Proposed Project: Describe the benefits and objectives of the emergency project(s) in terms of mobility and connectivity and how the emergency issue relates to each to the following:

 Citizens

 Commerce and Economic Vitality  

 Emergency Response

 School Traffic


Project Readiness: Projects will be scored according to how quickly they can reach letting for construction.  Milestone dates in the application should be submitted showing the current status of design or how quickly design can begin after notice of award of the grant.   

Right of Way (ROW), Utilities & Easements: Supporting documentation should clearly display the layout of the proposed project and clearly identify the ROW boundary owned by the local entity.  The application should identify all utilities that will be in conflict in constructing the project.  If there is not enough ROW or there are anticipated utility conflicts, the application should include the estimated number of parcels required.  A detailed plan of action of how the ROW will be acquired and/or utility conflicts will be addressed should accompany the application.  The need for temporary construction easements should also be addressed in the application.  The project schedule described below shall include any ROW acquisition necessary for the project or for any utility conflicts to be addressed.

Budget and Implementation Schedule: In addition to the milestone dates required in the applications, a full project schedule shall be required that includes, but is not limited to, the following: 

 Grant Award

 50% Design Completion

 Award Construction Bids

 Notice to Proceed

 Final Inspection All applications shall also include a budget with a detailed cost breakdown.


Project Application Data  

All applications shall include the following supporting data for the project:

 Current Traffic Volumes

 Current Truck Percentages

 Structure Number (NBI Item #8)

 Length of Detour

 NBI inspection for all non‐bridge structures (boxes and bridges less than 20ft.) is to be submitted with application


Project Application Areas of Emphasis  

All projects will be evaluated based on established goals and criteria.  Some examples of innovation to further support the applications include:

 Projects that replace a closed or low weight bridge with a reinforced concrete box culvert (must certify that all hydraulic guidelines can be met with a box culvert)

 Projects that allow for repairs to a bridge in lieu of complete replacement and all reused components can achieve a NBI condition rating of 7 or greater and not load restricted (posted) for Mississippi legal loads

 Corridors that have more than one closed or low weight bridge should be grouped together   

 Applications that demonstrate creative financing that leverages funding other than ERBRF Program funds.  Examples include but are not limited to the following:

                       o Projects leveraging private funds

                       o Projects including local funding with one or more entity

 Entities submitting more than one application shall prioritize applications


Project Application General Information  

Applicants to the ERBRF program must be in full compliance with all findings from NBI inspections within 30 days of the application deadline.  Initial funding to the recipient will be a percentage of the total grant and is to be used for preconstruction activities.  Upon the award of a construction bid, the remaining funds shall be transferred.  All funding necessary to complete the project outside of the grant funds is the sole responsibility of the grant recipient.