ERBF Board

The Emergency Road and Bridge Repair Fund Advisory Board


Board Members:

  • The President and Chief Executive Officer of the Mississippi Economic Council
  • The President and Chief Executive Officer of the Mississippi Manufactures Association
  • The President of the Mississippi Farm Bureau Federation
  • The President of the Mississippi Poultry Association
  • The President of the Mississippi Trucking Association
  • The Executive Director of the Mississippi Association of Supervisors
  • The Executive Director of the Mississippi Municipal League
  • The Executive Vice President of the Mississippi Cattlemen’s Association
  • The Executive Director of the Mississippi Loggers Association
  • The Executive Director of the American Council of Engineering Companies-Mississippi


- The Governor shall appoint the chairman of the board and the board shall elect such other officers as it considers necessary from among its members.


- A majority of the members of the board shall constitute a quorum for the conduct of meetings and all actions of the board shall be by a majority vote. No compensation, per diem or mileage expense shall be provided board members.


- The Governor’s office shall provide any necessary administrative support to the board.


- The board shall meet at least quarterly to conduct business.


- The board shall provide nonbinding advice to the Department of Transportation regarding the expenditure of money in the Emergency Road and Bridge Repair Fund.


- The Mississippi Department of Transportation shall have all power necessary to implement and administer the program established under this section of House Bill 1 (from the 2018 Special Legislative Session), and the department shall promulgate rules and regulations, in accordance with the Mississippi Administrative Procedure Law, necessary for the implementation of the law.