Call for Projects: Federal Lands Access Program

UPDATE as of December 1, 2021

The Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (also known as the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law) has been passed. The match requirement for the Federal Lands Access Program (FLAP) funds has been removed. Please continue to use the existing application, noting that the match requirement is no longer necessary. ***

Call for Projects: The 2021 Eastern Federal Lands call for projects is open from now until February 2, 2022.  Please click HERE to view the announcement. This program in the past has been administered through the Office of State Aid Road Construction (OSARC), however the program will now be administered through MDOT’s LPA Division.  We are being told; any interested applicant will need to include the following information in addition to the application information as they submit their application:

  • The LPA will need to provide their latest audit.
  • The LPA will need to have an employee attend the LPA PDM training to obtain a LPA Certification, if they have already done so then please provide the certificate.
    • There is an upcoming PDM training via Zoom on 11/18/2021 & 11/19/2021.  A registration form is located on LPA Division’s webpage at this url.
  • The LPA will need to disclose if their submitted project had previously been programmed through OSARC (State Aid), or if they intend to utilize their State Aid money as match.

Please let us know if you have any questions or comments, and we will work to get you to the appropriate person(s) for assistance.