Bridge Information - Desoto County

Total Cost to Resolve All Posted & Closed Bridges

Total Cost to Resolve All Posted & Closed Bridges coming soon.

Qualitative Narrative Data

We have a major bridge that is a low weight bridge that connects to a main thoroughfare (Bozeman Road). With this bridge remaining posted for a low weight, it forces the industries that haul raw material to be re-routed to deliver their goods due to the volume of weight that they carry that exceeds the mandated limited weight threshold posted to the bridge. The re-routing is putting a fuel cost stress on those business, because it adds an additional 1 hour to their delivery route.


Name & title of the individual that submitted the information:

Steve Gray Lead County Engineer


Relevant link(s)


Images to view (if applicable)


Last updated (10/26/23)

Statistical Quantitative Data

Desoto County Bridge Statistics:

Total Number of Bridges: 106

Number of Bridges Posted: 2

Percentage of Bridges Posted: 1.9%

Number of Bridges Closed: 0

Percentage of Bridges Closed: 0%

Number of State Aid Bridges Posted: 1

Percentage of State Aid Bridges Posted: 0%

Number of State Bridges Closed: 0

Percentage of State Aid Bridges Closed: 0%

Total of All Closed Bridges: 0

(This icon represents the key entity(s) impacted by closed or posted bridge)