Advertise now in the Mississippi Supervisor Magazine

The Mississippi Association of Supervisors is now accepting advertising contracts for the 2022 publication cycle of the Mississippi Supervisor magazine. The Mississippi Supervisor is a quarterly publication, with new issues published following each of the Association’s conferences. *Moving forward all ads will be published in color.   

Who Reads the Mississippi Supervisor?

Over 1,000 Mississippi, Regional and National Readers:

  •  410 Mississippi County Supervisors (all 82 counties in the state)
  •  County Administrators, Chancery Clerks, Circuit Clerks, County Engineers, Board Attorneys, Road Managers, Tax Assessors/Collectors, Clerks and other county officials
  •  MAS Affiliate Partners (corporate members)
  • Local, regional and national vendors doing business with counties in Mississippi and other states
  •  Statewide elected officials, state legislators, Senators and Congressional Delegation
  •  Planning and development districts (PDDs) around the state
  •  County associations in other states
  •  Other subscribers

Why Advertise in the Mississippi Supervisor?

The Mississippi Supervisor is the only magazine for and about Mississippi’s county government leaders and is proud to educate, inform and spread county news statewide.

The Mississippi Supervisor currently has over 1,000 subscribers, with more subscribers joining each quarter.

The Mississippi Supervisor is the premier publication of the Mississippi Association of Supervisors (MAS), a statewide, nonprofit, nonpartisan Association representing all 82 counties and 410 County Supervisors.

The Mississippi Supervisor serves as a mouthpiece for county and local government issues and provides education and information about counties to its readers.

The Mississippi Supervisor is also going digital! Be on the lookout for subscription order form for digital and/or hard copies to the Magazine.

When is Mississippi Supervisor published?

The Mississippi Supervisor is published quarterly during the winter, spring, summer and fall of each year. The publication schedule coincides with each of MAS’ major conferences and the close of the legislative session.


Contact Yamaiky Gamez, Member Services Coordinator at 601.353.2741 or  

County Advertising Contract January 2022 - December 2022

Vendor Advertising Contract January 2022 - December 2022